Serving Clients in Knox, Blount, Anderson, Loudon, Sevier & Roane Counties

Tech-Savvy Seniors Program Makes Tech Accessible to All

At Held Law Firm, one obstacle we often have to overcome is a technology barrier. Correspondence via email is cheaper for the client, and results in quicker responses from our attorneys. Scanning and sending documents is a more efficient way for clients to relay important information. The problem that often arises in regards to senior clients is that they either A) do not have access to technology, or B) do not have a working knowledge of that technology. This is not just an issue in the legal area; many seniors find themselves navigating a digital world, FaceTiming grandkids and paying bills online. This is where SPARK’s Tech-Savvy Senior Program comes in.

SPARK is non-profit located in South Knoxville that provides accessible technology and durable medical equipment to people in need. As stated on their website, their mission is “to connect people with disabilities in East Tennessee to the adaptive technology tools and services they need to live with maximum independence and dignity.” Recently, SPARK launched Tech-Savvy Seniors, a program providing hour-long one-on-one or group courses in tech literacy for a fee of $50. The program is designed to assist seniors in learning how to use devices like iPads, smartphones, laptops, and desktops computers, as well as the apps and social media accounts that may help them connect with loved ones.

The need for initiatives like Tech-Savvy Seniors is greater than ever. In an increasingly connected world, some seniors may feel excluded or distant from friends and family who have shifted largely to digital means of communication. The convenience of features like online bill pay, Google searches, and GPS navigation should be accessible to everyone. From battery life to display size, most of our devices are not designed with the needs of seniors in mind. This is why organizations like SPARK are choosing to step in and make a difference.

If you’d like to help them make a difference, you can donate to SPARK’s GoFundMe campaign for Tech-Savvy Seniors here. If you or a loved one would like to further your tech literacy, you can sign up for Tech-Savvy Seniors here.